Quiz night


Get your tickets for our famous quiz night!

Quiz for a cause

🌟 Join us for a night of fun, laughter, and brain-teasers at The Link Visiting Scheme's Charity Quiz Night!

📍 Where: Kings Place, Shute End, Wokingham, RG40 2AD

🕖 When: 7pm to 10pm, Friday 15 March

💰 Cost: £6 per person (Pay on the night)

👥 Teams: Up to 8 members (or let us find a team for you)

🥤 Drinks available for purchase, but feel free to bring your own nibbles!

To sign up, simply send us an email at admin@linkvisiting.org to let us know how many tickets you’d like.

Sign up to secure your spot

To sign up, contact us using the form below, or email: admin@linkvisiting.org.