Examples may include: Memories from early childhood e.g. home life, parents, grandparents & siblings, games/ toys, friends etc.
Examples may include: First job, place of work (including work in the home) other jobs and/or favourite job
Examples may include: friends, long-term partner, spouse, children. Please include names and significant details, e.g. if they have passed away or where they live. Any favourite pets.
Examples may include: Memories of the place you lived the longest or spent your happiest times i.e. the buildings, shops, countryside, local people and community.
Other places that were and are particularly important to you e.g. holiday places, places where significant things took place etc.
Examples may include: things you liked to do in your spare time/ interests. Include anything that was important i.e. significant places, regular activities/outings, favourite music etc.
This may include significant things or events that had a significant impact on your life e.g. war, travel, loss of a loved one etc. (N.B only include things that you are comfortable with sharing)
This may include: grandchildren, travel or time to pursue interests, events, people, illness etc.
This may include favourite type of music/ songs to listen to, favourite TV or radio programmes, books or magazines. sports or creative hobbies.
This may include anything that you particularly like or dislike (e.g. food/ dress/ activities/ smells, being touched etc.). Things you like to talk about and topics to avoid or that upset you. Please include things that help you relax.
Please state name and relationship to you