Safeguarding statement
This statement outlines the Link's position regarding the importance of safeguarding adults at risk, and recognises that our staff and volunteers are in a privileged position of trust and often integral to an adult’s support network. The Link will not tolerate the abuse of adults or children and is committed to safeguarding them all from harm, including but not limited to those at risk of abuse, neglect, and self-harm/neglect. The Link partners closely with designated agencies and qualified professional bodies.
All adults should be able to live free from fear and harm, however some may find it hard to get the help and support they need. Some adults may be unable to protect themselves from harm or exploitation for many reasons, including their mental or physical incapacity, sensory loss or physical or learning disabilities, frailty, addiction or illness. The Link and its representatives strive to ensure that adults in need are involved in their own decisions and informed consent is obtained where possible. The Link will be transparent and accountable in delivering safeguarding actions.
Who can provide advice or support
All staff, volunteers and Trustees at the Link undertake Safeguarding Training within 3 months of starting with the Link and every 3 years thereafter, and our policy is reviewed on an annual basis. Client-facing Managers and Assessors also undertake Levels 2 & 3 training.
The designated Safeguarding Lead for the Link is: Clare Randell / 07551 411813 /
If the designated Lead is unavailable:
Contact the Link office [ 0118 979 8019]
Contact the Link CEO, Marjie Walker [ 07513 020784]
A log of reported concerns will be made.
If no Link staff are available:
Contact the Wokingham Borough Council Safeguarding Hub 0118 974 6371
For concerns about a child contact Wokingham Borough Council children services 0118 908 8002
For out of office hours queries contact the safeguarding helpline 01344 351 999
The Safeguarding Lead and CEO are responsible for making decisions about notifying adult social services, if required, and will consider alternative actions, as necessary.
Confidentiality and information sharing
All staff, volunteers and Trustees must maintain confidentiality at all times. To comply with Data Protection law, the Link will not share information unless required by law. It should however be noted that information may be shared with authorities if an adult is deemed to be at risk of harm.
Link staff will always attempt to obtain consent before sharing information if it is appropriate to do so. When sharing the information, it is important to inform whether consent has been given or not, and the reasons for that.
Further information, support and guidance
The Link is dedicated to its safeguarding commitments. Our full policy and guidelines can be obtained by requesting a copy from
Marjie Walker
CEO, The Link Visiting Scheme
Updated: October 2024