Safeguarding adults at risk
(Level 1) training
The Link Visiting Scheme expects all volunteers to know their duty of care regarding safeguarding adults at risk. It is important that we all work together to protect every adults right to live in safety, free from the risk or experience of abuse or neglect.
Our online safeguarding training is suitable for all new Link volunteers, and all experienced Link volunteers who need to refresh their knowledge. This session should be taken every 3 years as a refresher course. Safeguarding training for Link volunteers is mandatory.
This training consists of:
watching 1 prerecorded video (30 minutes) Scroll down to watch the video. You can access it at any time.
attending 1 live Zoom session or face to face session in our office. (1hr) An opportunity to ask questions, talk about what we have learnt and go through relevant scenarios to further our understanding. Click here to find the next dates for the Zoom session on our volunteer calendar. To book your place, please email