Christmas Day 2020
Christmas can be a difficult day for many - thinking of those not with us and coping with time alone when you’d rather be with friends. That’s why we make friendship on Christmas Day a priority at Link Visiting.
This is our 9th Christmas Day but instead of a party invitation this year, it was a knock on the door, with a hot meal and gifts. And this year we have extra friendship over the phone from our brilliant Christmas Volunteers.
As every year, we have a few hero’s of the day - our three incredible chefs who stepped in last minute - Chris, Christina and Abdul. Food was delicious and they made the day feel relaxed and happy.
And the amazing Fiona who has worked incredibly hard to make sure everyone was taken care of and managed all the intricate details to make the day so special. Thanks to Claire for the admin and for adding the creative touches and to every volunteer who has helped out today. You are all amazing.
It’s been a wonderful day and always one I love
Thank you to everyone for your donations, support, kindness and help. Over 100 older people are very grateful.