Vicky and Emma’s Ultra Challenge!


Vicky and Emma took on the 2024 Jurassic Coast Ultra Challenge for Link Visiting!

Our amazing volunteer Vicky, with her daughter Emma, took part this year, walking an incredible 42km in 12 hours. They started at Corfe Castle and headed off past Lulworth & Durdle Door and finished at Weymouth with some brutal ascents and descents!

It's not too late to show your support as they're collecting donations here:

Vicky said afterwards: "I always feel the big charities get plenty of publicity and funds, it’s the smaller charities which can struggle especially in recent times with cost of living, Covid etc. Obviously, for me, I see where the funds go with The Link and all the good work they do in the community. I hope people do feel inspired to get out there and fundraise; there are some great things to have a go at and challenge yourself."

If you're inspired by Vicky and Emma then there's still a summer of Ultra Challenges - check out the full details at