Summer party!


Smiles all round at our summer event

One of the highlights in our year is our glittering Summer Party for Link Friends and volunteers. It was another wonderful afternoon of good food, great fun, happiness and friendship. Just what we’re all about.

It was fantastic to have over 100 Link Friends in attendance. A huge thank you to all who contributed to our success. From table decorations (Claire - we would be lost without you!), to flowers (thanks Sam), to lending us a van (thank you First Days!), to arranging transport, drivers, washing up, organising the kitchen, serving drinks, entertaining us (the wonderful 8TT4), donating raffle prizes, magic tricks (thank you Peter!) clearing up and setting up.

It takes a small army to run this event but the smiles make it all worth it! We had a fantastic afternoon!

Some lovely feedback…

  • “Many thanks for the lovely party on Saturday. You certainly laid on a delicious tea, and everything looked so attractive. I had a very pleasant afternoon, and made some new friends.”

  • “Everyone made us feel so welcome. The afternoon tea was delicious and we enjoyed chatting to other friends. Thank you to everyone who made the afternoon so special. It’s such a superb charity and I feel so grateful.”