The Link Visiting Scheme now has 400+ volunteers! We want every one of you to feel supported and able to reach out for help as soon as you need it.
As a new volunteer, after attending our Induction training, we'll invite you to a social evening where you can meet your allocated Support Volunteer. These are experienced volunteers who will give you their contact number, should you need any advice or guidance while you're volunteering. You can always give them a call!
We also run a monthly Volunteer Drop-In at our office, The Charity and Community Hub which is a great chance to connect with other volunteers on a social level and chat with our team if you have any questions or concerns.
If you need to get in touch with us, you can reach us by phone or email, Monday to Friday between 8:30am and 4:30pm. We're always happy to hear from our volunteers and help out in any way we can.
We'll also keep you in the loop with regular email updates about what's going on at the charity. Plus twice a year, we hold Volunteer Information Evenings where you can meet other volunteers and get updates on our latest charity news. And, of course, we love throwing volunteer socials and fundraisers, so we hope you can join us for some of those too!
Our staff team are here to support you too! We are eager for you to contact us if you have any concerns. You can call our Volunteer Co-ordinator, the Assessor who talked to you about your Link Friend, or the Link office anytime, but especially for these reasons:
If you have a concern or are anxious about any aspect of your role.
If you suspect your Telephone Buddy or Link Friend is at risk of harm.
If you contact a family member because your Telephone Buddy or Link Friend is unwell.
If your Telephone Buddy or Link Friend is admitted to hospital.
If you feel that your Telephone Buddy or Link Friend needs more practical support such as help with personal care or home help.
If you are unable to call or visit for a period of time (longer than 3 weeks).
If you are not enjoying your calls or visits, or you suspect your Telephone Buddy or Link Friend is unhappy with them.