Accessing GP Services
Can you help?
Healthwatch Wokingham Borough is the independent champion for people using health and care services in Wokingham Borough. They listen to what people like about services and what they think could be improved and share their views with those who have the power to make change happen.
Healthwatch has just launched a survey asking the public to share their experiences of accessing GP (General Practice) services in the last 6 months. They want to hear as many experiences of accessing GP services as possible so they can help the NHS understand what is working well and what could be better.
The results of this survey will be shared with NHS Services and organisations to help to shape the way services are delivered in the future. You can read more about the survey and the wider project here
We’re really keen for our Link Friends to take part in the survey as we often hear of their struggles to access their GP. If you are a Link volunteer, please discuss this survey with your Link Friend. If they would like help to complete the survey, they can contact Healthwatch directly who will be pleased to talk to them or you can help too if you have the time of course!