One of our wonderful volunteers, Deese, shares how she was inspired to become a befriender, and what the experience has been like for her.

My reason for volunteering with the Link came about following my father’s stay in hospital a couple of years ago. Whilst my family and I went to see him regularly, I was struck by the number of patients who had few or no visitors.
And so I looked for a local charity and found Link Visiting, whose aim is to reduce loneliness with friendship particularly among the older community. It has turned out to be a great decision; having a Link Friend is extremely rewarding – the chance to build a genuine friendship and real bond.
In my experience, it’s brightened both our lives; my friend because she has extra companionship and support, and me, because I have gained so much from her experience, wisdom, and actually, just from knowing her. You only have to give around an hour a week – and I can assure you that it’s worth every minute for the joy you’ll bring and get out of it.