Link Visiting Scheme volunteer Emma shares her experience of building connections with her Link friend and how volunteering has been so meaningful to her personally.

Why did you start volunteering with The Link Visiting Scheme?
I wanted to contribute to the efforts being made to care for and encourage those who were isolated in Wokingham. I’m fortunate - I’ve had company and comfort of my family with me. Volunteering with The Link, offering a listening ear and a friendly voice to those who find themselves alone or in difficult circumstances has enabled me to give something back.
What do you enjoy about volunteering?
Connecting with people at a critical point in their lives, and sharing their situation even just for a little while is a rare privilege. It has been humbling to hear the struggles people face, and very rewarding to be able to listen and to point them towards the right help. Volunteering for The Link has been significant and meaningful. Knowing that I help isolated people feel more connected and know that they are not forgotten, has made this all worthwhile.
It has been a real pleasure to volunteer for The Link. It has been a super-organised, friendly and very effective campaign to reach and assist isolated people. It works like clockwork - I feel well supported, communication is great, and I know that where I have flagged up needs, these have been rapidly followed up. Sharing people's struggles (and their joys) is a precious thing. It brings meaning and great pleasure to the giver. It also makes wonderful and memorable connections. I don’t think I will ever forget some of the people whose lives I have had the privilege, briefly, to share.